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WHAT I'M READING NOW: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

Learning about the idea of a Personal Legend at 43 is quite different than learning about it at 16. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho has crossed my path again and I couldn't reject it's beckon.

Coehlo's writing style is just beautiful and unapologetic, it's thoughtful, but not too thoughtful--a recipe for a memorable reading experience, in my opinion. The reader (or at least I) found a safe space within the book, a place to have all the thoughts needed, without having to apologize for them. I contemplated about the Person Legend and about the old King. I'm 35% through the book, I'm savoring every page.

See you soon with some thoughts.




My book, 
is now available on Amazon
I created a collection of short thoughts dedicated to the iconic borough of Manhattan. It also includes a daydreaming journal.

Daydreams Manhattan a book of poems about New York by Martha Argelia

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